Greatest American Hero

Oh where, oh where, is Photoshop when I need it? If anyone deserves a cape, tights and a superhero letter on his chest right now -- all of the entirely hetero variety, of course -- it is Justice Stephen Breyer for showing up to jury duty in Marlborough District Court the other day. As the glorified abacus that is my computer can't handle the program, this nifty undoctored pic will have to do. The Justice is wearing something vaguely capelike, after all, and it is more flamboyent than your standard office attire. Given that your average A/R representative tries to weasel out of jury duty -- apparently unaware of the meaning of the word duty -- because he is "too busy" or has "other priorities" like Dick Cheney did during Vietnam, Mr. Justice, of whom it could be said has rather weighty professional obligations, deserves superhero status for fulfilling his obligations as a citizen of this fantastic country. Who better to lead the Justice League of America? When the official results are announced, presumably by a group of pasty guys in their early 20s, I hope he gets extra points for doing so without self-congratulation.
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