I've penn walken the streets at night just trying to get it right...

So I happened to catch At Close Range on some basic cable station last night. Now I have always been a Christopher Walken fan -- he is by far my favorite SNL host. I still smile when i think of him rubbing jimmy fallon's stomach during an opening monologue where they're singing tomato, tomahto together. not to mention as the producer who just wants a little more cowbell in blue oyster cult's don't fear the reaper. But holy f-g sh-t is he unbelievable in this movie. i literally could not take my eyes off of him. sean penn is fantastic as always, but walken steals the show. riveting. he pulls off charm, sexuality, ruthlessness, quotidity. Proteus the shapeshifter. dang! anyway, MGM has some trailers and sound clips for it online.
Labels: celebrities, christopher walker, sean penn
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